How to you grow marijuana outdoors?
Determine the Climate in Which You’re Going to Grow the Marijuana Climate is all-important when growing cannabis, with the primary concern being the amount of available sunlight. While this isn’t a problem in sun-kissed California, not every American state has the same luxury. However, don’t assume that glorious sunny weather is perfect for growing flowers. For example, sustained temperatures of over 86 degrees Fahrenheit can prevent growth, while temperatures below 55 degrees could kill your precious plants. There’s no doubt that growing marijuana outdoors comes with challenges (which we address later on), but it also has a list of cool benefits: Eco-Friendly : Indoor growing eats up a lot of electricity because it requires so much grow light ; not to mention ventilation systems and other equipment. In the state of California, it is estimated that growing weed indoors uses the equivalent of 200 pounds of coal to grow just a single pound. Outdoor growing nee...